We started the week exploring sound and light in our classroom.
Students worked in groups of 4 to become knowledgeable and prepare presentations on the different topics. The requirement was that as the experts in their field, students had the responsibility to teach the class and share that knowledge. One group explored how sound is created, a different group worked on how sound travels, while another explored high pitch vs. low pitch sounds. The kids that explored light delved into refraction, Laser light, prisms and light primary colors. The products varied, we had some kids acting it out, while others demonstrating and leading the kids through hands on experiences. Each learning style was honored and the kids were able to shine as they shared their knowledge using their talents and gifts.
On Friday, we had a wonderful physical science rotation day. The students rotated around all 5Th grade classes. In Mrs. Hicks's class they learned more about light. In Mrs. Hernandez's class they explored electrical circuits further. Mrs. Gomez prepared a lesson about force and motion, while in Mrs. Daniel's class they traced appliances to their original energy sources. Last, in our class they explored sound some more.