Extra Credit Opportunities

Your child can earn extra credit if he or she presents a current event that pertains to something we learn in class.  For example, during our biodiversity planner children presented H.I.P.P.O issues in class.
This can be any issue your child is interested in that can enhance the learning in our classroom.
Your child should become knowledgeable about the issue and present it with confidence.
The presentation should last about 5 minutes and should be accompanied with a visual.
Depending on the current event issue selected,  this presentation can earn your child extra credit on their Social studies grade, or Science grade

Reading - Your child can re-write a letter in his or her Reader's notebook for me to grade.  The average of the two grades will then be entered in the grade book.  Please encourage your child to go over my comments, reflect and then write another letter (discussing the same skill) on another reading (different book).
Reading & Math
http://www.pearsonsuccess.com/ (each child has an account and assignments in their mailbox)
To recieve extra credit the student has to show work, or submit notepaper with all their strategies.  

It is your child's responsibility to let me know they are interested in extra credit opportunities, prepare and present.  The opportunities are out there for them to take advantage of.  I will announce different opportunities in class, and post them on the blog throughout the year.  The above will be on going opportunities all year to improve grade point averages.